XPO Shareholder Resolution

The International Brotherhood of Teamsters General Fund has filed a shareholder resolution at XPO Logistics Inc. (NYSE: XPO). AGM date: May 17, 2018.
The text of the resolution reads as follows:
Shareholders request XPO Logistics, Inc. (“XPO”) issue an annual sustainability report describing the Company’s responses to Environmental, Social and Governance (“ESG”) related issues affecting the Company.
The report should be prepared at reasonable cost, omitting proprietary information, and be available to shareholders by December 2018. It should address relevant policies, practices, and metrics on topic, such as human capital management and greenhouse gas emissions, and provide objective quantitative indicators and goals relating to each issue, where feasible.
We recommend using the Global Reporting Initiative’s Sustainability Reporting Guidelines to prepare the report. The Guidelines cover environmental impacts, human rights and labor practices and provide a flexible reporting system that allows omission of content irrelevant to company operations.
Read the full resolution here
Read the Teamsters’ Proxy Alert here