Sept. 9: Trustee Briefing Webinar on Asset Manager Accountability Engagements

The CWC is pleased to invite labour and union nominated asset owner board members to a Trustee Briefing on the Asset Manager Accountability Initiative and our planned engagements with BlackRock and State Street Global Advisors (SSGA).
DATE: September 9, 2020
TIME: 7:00 am PST | 10:00 am EST | 3:00 pm BST | 4:00 pm CEST
The CWC Asset Manager Accountability Initiative supports trustees and unions in raising workers’ rights issues with asset managers. This initiative aims to shift the balance of power in the investment chain by enabling asset owners to hold the asset managers they contract accountable, driving meaningful improvements in workers’ rights at the company level.
In autumn 2020 and early winter 2021, the CWC is organizing engagements with BlackRock and SSGA. Please join us to learn more about the initiative, the upcoming engagements and how union and/or worker nominated asset owner board members can participate.
The topics to be discussed in this session will include:
- Introduction from José Meijer, chair of the CWC Trustee Leadership Network and APG supervisory board member (former ABP trustee)
- An overview of the CWC Asset Manager Accountability Initiative
- Upcoming engagements on labour standards in real assets
- Upcoming engagements on elevating workers’ rights in investor stewardship in their equity portfolios
- Updates on key issues to be raised at the meetings in companies such as Amazon and Teleperformance.
This event is open to CWC participants. Participation in the CWC is open to representatives from the trade union movement. Please click here to register to access the participants’ area on our website and receive news from our mailing list.
Learn more about the CWC Asset Manager Accountability Initiative here
Register for the CWC Trustee Briefing here
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