Host Hotels & Resorts Shareholder Resolution

UNITE HERE is urging shareholders to support a resolution it filed for an annual sustainability report at Host Hotels & Resorts Inc. (NYSE: HST). The AGM will be held on May 17, 2018.
The text of the resolution reads as follows:
Shareholders request Host Hotels & Resorts (“Host”) issue an annual sustainability report with due diligence about operations at Host’s properties, including the impact on investors of hotel operators’ environmental, human rights, and labor practices. The reports should be prepared at reasonable cost, omitting proprietary information, and the first report should be available to shareholders in advance of the 2019 annual meeting.
We recommend Host ask its hotel operators to use the Global Reporting Initiative’s (“GRI”) Sustainability Reporting Standards to prepare the report(s). The Standards cover environmental impacts, human rights, and labor practices, and provide a flexible reporting system that allows omission of content irrelevant to company operations.
Read the full resolution here:
Photo: Pixabay/ManuelaJaeger