CWC October 2019 Newsletter

In our October newsletter: CWC Conference recap, Responsible Investor article on the CWC, report-back from the PRI in Person, CWC Asset Manager Accountability Initiative, XPO on notice, news from national participants and more.
The 2019 CWC Conference:
- CWC Conference Recap: Putting asset owners in the driver’s seat
- Responsible Investor ( article on the CWC Conference:Unions are stepping up the naming and shaming of fund managers on workers’ rights
- Sharan Burrow: ESG - S and the E key
- Report-back from the PRI in Person: Xander den Uyl
Other news:
- CWC UBS Asset Manager Report Card
- XPO Logistics on notice for breaching French Corporate Duty Vigilance Law
- CWC Working Group on Amazon
- Asset Manager Accountability
Country updates:
- Australia: CWC at the Australia Super Trustees Forum
- Germany: International Investors Disregard Worker Board-Level Representation
- The Netherlands: New reports on pension fund ESG performance & labour rights in global value chains