2022 Proxy Season Bulletin

The CWC Secretariat invites asset owners and managers to consider supporting the following shareholder resolutions related to decent work and labour rights during the 2022 proxy season.
Building on filings from 2021, there continues to be heightened shareholder interest in fundamental labour rights, racial justice and human rights due diligence in 2022. For example, shareholders are being called upon to support proposals asking companies to report on how they are upholding workers’ fundamental right to freedom of association and collective bargaining at Amazon.com and Dollarama.
The CWC Secretariat has compiled a list of resolutions available below that have either been filed by CWC participants (e.g., trade union affiliated investment funds) or that touch on decent work, fundamental labour rights and trade union priorities. This year investors will have the opportunity to vote on issues related to: employment standards, fair wages, sick leave, forced labour in supply chains, worker voice on corporate boards, the just transition to a low carbon economy, tax transparency and more. This list will be updated on a continual basis throughout the annual general meeting (AGM) season.
CWC participating trustees are invited to forward this document to fund staff, asset managers and/or proxy voting service providers to hold them accountable on investment stewardship practices on fundamental labour rights, decent work and other trade union priorities.
Trustees who are in a position to communicate with their asset managers can take the following steps depending on their investment management arrangements:
- Segregated funds: Trustees of funds that hold their assets in segregated accounts can instruct their asset managers to vote their shares according to the recommendations in the attached document.
- Pooled funds: Trustees of funds that invest through pooled funds can express their support for a resolution and ask their asset manager to report to them on how the shares represented by their interest have been voted and why.
Funds, trustees and union leaders can also increase the visibility of shareholder proposals by publicizing their support in the days before the company AGM.